Put some one in their place!?

Suddenly you may start feeling that something is going amiss in your close circle or with your colleagues or with a particular person. 
And you have been thinking that when you have been behaving well why is the other group or the person!!!

So,  you want to put him or her or them in their place.

 "to tell or show someone that they are less important than they thought"
that is what the Dictionary explains.

What will be the primary act in doing so......... yes, tell them(or by actions) that they are not right, and they do not belong to where they think, you don't care them or their opinion as much, etc. 
What do we achieve by doing so?
Simply hurt them!!! and feed our ego!!!

You may say - Oh come on, I am hurt and I want to show...... 

Show.... not by showing their place but by putting yourself in your place.

This can better be done more by actions than verbally. 

In fact, the best way to put some one in their place is by showing them your place.......where you belong. 

This will not only make others realise their mistake, but will also earn the due respect. 



  1. Excellent piece. I completely agree.

    Please keep more of these coming.

  2. Very nice. Good people strengthen themselves ceaselessly.


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