Take a break...... Talk to yourself!

Take a break...... 
Talk to yourself!

You are a Business owner.

Owner of a Small or Medium business - whether it is doing ok or not -
A business that "keeps you busy and moving" all day long.

How many of us are aware that we pay a price - to be what and where we are......

Chances are that you donot have many(anyone) with whom you can discuss your problems.... 


The higher you go, loner you become!

How many of the following can you connect yourself with?

  1. The vision and goals you had when starting the business seem like a distant dream.
  2. Business turnover may be high, but profits are not.
  3. Live(force) a slightly better life style than working peers, but personal cash balance is pathetic.
  4. The society thinks that you are rich and you pretend to be so.
  5. Living with eternal hope, but unable to turn the table around.
  6. Wonder how those who are really successful are able to do it!
  7. Cannot understand how someone who had a small business till recently, zoomed past to the next level.
  8. Work-life balance needs improvement.
  9. Challenge in Second line development.
  10. Others in your organisation are not as committed as much you are.
  11. Unable to move out of the recruiting, training and re training.....cycle
  12. At least once, you thought that a job would have made your life more stable
  13. Stressed often or most of the the time
  14. Always in shortage of cash, and have difficulty to raising loans.
  15. Your assets are pledged to the bankers
  16. Do not how and when you can clear your debts and liabilities
  17. Want to quit, but do not know how and what to do next
  18. Even if you have alternate plans, quitting seems not possible if the cash rotation stops.

Ha!!! Its over atlast........
There are still few more challenges which remain unanswered..... 

If you face more than one of the challenges mentioned above......

Do not get anxious.......
 you are not alone!

Number of business owners are in the same situation, except those very few who are successful. (Statistics say that nearly 73% of the Small Businesses in India are making loss and or in debt)  

If you are seeing a mirror image of yourself while reading the above, or you think that I am peeping into your heart,

Take a small break.........

Do a complete analysis of the current situation.

Find out what are the prick points, and possible causes for the same.

Try to find solutions to them, both short term or long term,

Take external help to correct the problems for which you cannot find a solution on your own.

Chances are that few of you may not be able to even identify the prick points or the causes for the situation you are in.

There are two choices before you, as a Business owner.................

Wait for the inevitable, learn from your own experiences. Just that you may have to pay a huge price in terms time, money, efforts and emotional drain to learn from your right & wrong decisions.

Learn from someone who has gone through these experiences already, and can guide in the right direction and save time, effort and money to grow easier and faster!

I have a total experience of 40 years out of which 30 years as an entrepreneur.

I help SME business owners to pick holes in their business, find the root causes and resolve them with right solutions, thus making them grow faster and with ease.

Does this sound interesting to you?

In an interview with a very successful Indian Cine Producer cum Director, the interviewer asked him the secret sauce to his success. Came pat the reply from the Director -
I do not know what people like, but I know a lot about what they do not like, and I avoid them in my movies”

Hence once you learn to reduce the mistakes, the percentage of doing right things increase, and to that extent the probability of success increases.

If this article makes you think that you need to discuss with me, do not hesitate to get in touch at reach@murali.coach

We will work together to see how we can take your business to where it belongs!!!

Muralidharan Margabandhu (CoachMurali)
Business Coach 

Founder & Principal Consultant – Marg Consulting
Director: RightEdge Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 
CBO: VAC Softtech
Specialist in Debt Management and Business Turnaround. 
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/coachwithmurali/


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