Unable to repay Loans?

Unable to repay Loans?

Most of Debt issues are unresolved because they are not understood!

Debt Analysis is the first step to find solutions to Debt Challenges.

The following factors need analysis

1. Value of Debts
2. Types of Debts
3. Their impact in Business
4. Nature of creditors
5. Relationship with creditors
6. Status of Debts

These factors will help us to
1. understand
2. Priorities and
3. Resolve
debts, based on their nature and their impact in business.

Strategy to revive the business is the foundation on which both short and long term plans are built to reduce and resolve Debts.

Just reducing and resolving the Debt is not the purpose of any Business.

Its only the first step.
The destination is turnaround for growth and profits.

The speed with which the  business revival happens will decide the speed at which the business can go from there.

Muralidharan Margabandhu
Freedom from Debt Coach
Business consultant/ Trainer/Author
Whatsapp: +91 9841049588
E-mail     : muralimarg@gmail.com


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