New year Resolution is a Serious Business!

New year Resolution
 is a 
serious business

Ready to welcome New Year and celebrate?

Most of you must be either ready or getting ready with your "New Year Resolution" too!!

History of New Year Resolutions:

Before resolving, Shall we go through the “story” about New year Resolution

The practice of making New Year’s resolutions was started by ancient Babylonians around 4,000 years back, it is believed.

They celebrated with new plants, new king and made promises to the Gods to pay their debts and return any objects they had borrowed.

These promises to God ( religious tradition) have taken different shapes before evolving into what is called “New Year resolutions” mostly directed towards self-improvement.

Statistics about New year Resolutions:

According to U.S. News & World Report, most lose their resolve by mid-February.

In a 2014 report, 35% of participants who failed their New Year's Resolutions admitted they had unrealistic goals, 33% of participants didn't keep track of their progress, and 23% forgot about them; about one in 10 respondents claimed they made too many resolutions.

Statistics show that only 8% of those who make resolutions are successful in achieving their goals.

Reasons why New year resolutions are not successful:

1. Resolutions are not serious
2. Goals are unrealistic
3. More a ritual influenced by others, than a conviction.

If one doesn't want to be a part of this dismal record, the following could really help them.

Resolution is a serious Business

In the first place have a clear  understanding as to  what made you to plan for a 
“New Year Resolution” and the primary objective of the same.

Please remember that this resolution is to make you a better person and Analyse 2020 before preparing for 2021.

1. The resolutions have to be based on internal patterns which could be controlled or corrected by self, not to be influenced by external factors.

2. Become aware of the beliefs, habits or practices that affected your life badly.

3. Prioritise them in the order of negative impact, most damaging being the top Priority.

4. Pick those which you will be able to correct/change without affecting your profession/ life routines grossly.

5. Finally choose the one which you think will make a difference to your life.

6. Remember: There should be only one resolution to focus upon......

7. Don't be emotional about the resolution or the subject. Be rational and result oriented in the decision making.

8. Be clear about what result you want out of your resolution and when you want the same.

9. Break them into milestones over one year.

10. Divide them into smaller actions.

11. Take Small baby steps to begin with; let the increment be practical.
The initial successes will incentivise continuity.

12. Please remember that it is very important for the resolution to be
  1. with a purpose
  2. Achievable
  3. Have milestones
  4. Measurable
  5. Focused and
  6. Result oriented.

If you have read this far, there is hardly any doubt;
you are one of the most eligible candidates to be a member of  the club of  8% of achievers.

Good Luck.

Resolve to make a Good “New Year Resolution"


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