Duck Metaphor in Business

      Duck Metaphor in Business

When the business is at cross roads, 

it is better to follow the #Duck Metaphor. 

Ducks, seemingly #calm on the surface, paddle furiously to stay afloat.  

The duck metaphor, may be wrong scientifically. Ducks float because their bodies are naturally stable in water and they weigh less than the weight of the water they displace.

It does not matter to us. We are more concerned about the #message that we derive from the metaphor. 

when a business is at #crossroads, it's pretty challenging for the business #owners who find it difficult to take decisions on how to go forward.  

In situations like these, it's all about working inside; in the mind, for getting the solutions that we look for. 

Especially on the belief systems, thought process and attitude more at the business owner's level. 

Besides working on the psychology, the business owners have to work on other internal things too, including systems and procedures, strategies, changes in the market and customer behavior to name a few. 

It is nothing but a self assessment. which is a good practice, irrespective whether the business is doing well or not.  

By working inside we will get

• Awareness (of the situation)

• Acceptance (that this situation does exist) and 

• Understanding (of causes which created the situation)

Analysis of these inputs will lead us to the right answer  which will help us to plan and do things effectively.. 

It is better if the same is done without the outside world noticing it. 

To get the awareness, understanding, and alternatives, we may need inputs from others. 

Research, study, help from peers, specialists, experts are all very important. 

It's enough if the challenges are discussed only with those who can really throw light on the grey areas, guide and help. 

This has to be done with absolute control over your focus, time, effort and emotions. 

Outside world often distracts, confuses and discourages, more than teaching the right things and giving the rightful encouragement.

In any case, they will come to know when we burst out of our shell. 

They may be surprised to see the success which in their opinion is too sudden. 

People fail to notice the efforts and hard work behind every success. 


Why should we care about their surprise?

On one side, surprise is welcome!

On the other, secrecy gives advantage too. 

When others assume that we are inert, we are hardly disturbed or noticed. This Secrecy gets us privacy also and helps us to focus on our mission in hand, which is more important!!!

Stay afloat. 

Keep peddling deep inside. 

Be the change... 

Enjoy the Fun!!!... 


Muralidharan MArgabandhu 

Business Coach 


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