Debtor's Prison
"Debtors' prison"
As a Business Owner, are you stuck in the "Debtors' prison"?
The "Debtors' prison" that I mention here is a metaphor.
But, believe me, "Debtors' prisons" did exist in the Western Europe, US, & South Africa. Imprisonment as a punishment for Debtors is also practised in the Gulf region and even in India, selectively.
Historically, the definition of a debtor prison was quite simple; a prison for people who couldn’t pay off their debt.
Identified prisons were a part of British Prison System and at one point of time there were as many as 18 of them.
The Marshalsea Prison (1373–1842) ended up the most infamous and notorious prison thanks to its mention by the famous Charles Dickens, whose father was a prisoner there.
Debt could be a useful tool when qualified and used to earn more with growth.
But, on the other hand, debt has a terrible darker side, when not qualified, and misused or mishandled.
Incidentally, many who take credits, facilities or loans (whatever name given to a liability) are at the risk of converting them into an unpaid debt, if they don't keep track and service them - ontime, every time.
It's like a theif sitting next to you.
There will be no luxury to relax.
You relax and the debt steals your money and time, may be even your future.
Situation can get so bad that it can start to feel like a “debtor’s prison,” as described by Charles Dickens;
"waking and working just in order to pay more interest"; almost a life long imprisonment for many, fighting to repay the principal.
If you are in such a situation, it's
time to resolve that you don't stay in the metaphorical prison having lost all freedom; time, a drastic step is taken to break free or get freedom.
If you are stuck in a "Debtor's Prison" and don't have a clue on how to get freedom, don't worry.
Help is a call or mail away...
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