Are you Evolving?.........As a business owner

Are you Evolving?
As a business owner

The success of any business is totally dependent on the promoters. There are lot of factors which drive success, but, the business certainly not to the extent of what a business owner can contribute.

There is a correlation between the growth of the business and evolution of the promoter and his thought process. It has a lot to do with Business Psychology which is a totally different ball game.
If you are a Business Owner,

Stop for a while, and

Questions Yourself!!!

It may may be uncomfortable for a few of us.

But, I promise that
  1. Asking these questions to ourselves,
  2. Getting the right anwers and
  3. working on them,
will transform the way we do business........

If you are in business for long, have you ever compared the You of today, with the You of some years back? (particularly when you started the business)

If you had been in employment before starting business, compare the You of today, with the You, who was an employee, or as a dreamer before starting this business?

Mull over the questions, take time answering each of the questions to yourself.
Some of you may get the answer immediately, some may take longer to get the answers.

There are still a few who may draw a blank...... That is fine..

The output from the above exercise may give you answers to few of the unanswered questions which might be troubling you.

Is your old ambition or dream still there?

1. Are you still able to recall the objectives, ambition and aspirations that you did nurture
  • just before or
  • during your initial entrepreneurial days?

2. Are you putting in the same time and efforts which you did in the early days?

3. Have you brought transformation to yourself; In your thoughts, speech and action?

3. Have you upgraded yourself by acquiring the required knowledge, skills or connects?

If your answer is yes to all or most of the questions, congratulations. You are evolving and the chances of your business evolving is also pretty high.

If your answer is no to any one of these two questions, then ask your self one more question?

Have your business stagnated, or worse, deteriorated and in loss or Debt?

If your answer is no, Congratulations.....

If, the answer is yes, then it is time you did something drastic, before the situation worsens.

The change in you will bring change in the business.

We all know, that for success of any business, knowledge, skills and connections are important.

Are we giving the same attention to acquire knowledge and skills as much as we do for running the business; most times doing mundane things......

Acquiring the required knowledge is not very difficult. The same can be done by enroling in related forums, by attending meetings, interacting with specialists, empanelling experts if required, attending seminars or training programmes.
These activities also help to keep one abreast with the latest developments in one's industry.

Have a Mentor
Having said that, many a time, a business owner is clueless whether he is travelling in the direction and may need guidance. Or others, who know what to do and still may need to discuss and confirm that their actions are right, but hardly find any to do so.

How many of you are able to relate to this: “The higher you go, loner you become”

There will always be times when you will be unsure of yourself and your actions, having difficulty in choosing between the available options, doubtful about something or other. Even if you have a business partner, this loneliness will be felt sometimes.
Having a coach or mentor is very very important for every business. If you do not have one, please look for some one right away. Have him on board.

A right mentor with knowledge, wisdom, experience and vision can bring the change to your business, like what Chanakya did to Chandra Gupta.

We all know that top players in every sport who were and are most successful in the international arena always do so with the guidance of great coaches who mentored them, and stood by them during their hard times.

With the right coach or mentor guiding you, you can see magic happening to you and your business.

I can even put it like this; if you want the transformational magic in your business, you have to have a coach or mentor.......

If you have one already, Congratulations...

If you do not, better find one!


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