Evolution of Core Strength

Evolution of Core Strength


Is the the core strength when we started the firm or career prone to change, by virtue of the changes taking place in technology, resources, market scenerio, so on and so forth?

How often does a firm or an individual revalidate their core strength and works on developing the same keeping with current trends?

Is it being observed, studied and analysed as to what improvements are needed in the so called core strength of the organisation or the individual.

Many a business, couple of generations old, are either struggling to survive or unable to grow at the pace of the market , just because the core strength with which the business was built long back, has changed over a period of time, and was not addressed to match the current needs of the market scenerio.

Updating and upgrading the core strength is a continuous process and a means of stability and growth in the chosen area of operation.

Let us start the practise of understanding the changes in the areas of our core strengths like the technological changes and developments, tools and equipments, challenges in skill set requirements, market scenerio, policies of the governments and regulatory authorities, etc

Innovations and developments in products and services based on the changes in the environment is the only key to sustance in the long run, be it a professional or a Business House. 


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