Invest in people

Invest in people

It is usually perceived that investments are more materialistic and is associated with cash richness.

It is a proven theory that investing in people is more worthwhile than investments in other areas.

The key is to be empathetic with people around us and their situations and try to help them where ever and when ever possible. It is actually interesting to note that the physical and moral support provided during their distress carries more weight than the financial assistance.

In my observation I felt that there are three types of people who are worth investing in, those who really value and look at you as a friend, a good boss, a well wisher, or some one whom you love, etc....

  1. Those of the people with whom we are associated either personally or professionally:
We are in a position of slight advantage either in position in service or business, or a situation where we can help them financially, or otherwise, be of help during their professional or personal problems.
  1. Those who are in a better position than us, in terms of profession, business or otherwise and can be a matter of pride for us to be associated with.
  2. business partners and associates who are almost in the equal position and stature, where there is a lot of mutual give and take.
  3. And,finally,, friends and relatives with whom we have a strong personal and emotional bondage, who care for us and for we whom we care for. Relationship where there is no expectation from both the sides except love care and concern.
With the uncertainity due to the magic played by time, it is not just money and power which makes one successful, but the number of people who really care.

The investment in people need not necessarily pay us back materialitically alone, since we need a lot more than just material things to live our life with fulfilment.

Remember “what goes around comes around”.

Our Indian culture speaks of helping others as the purpose of existence.
परोपकारार्थमिदं शरीरम् = This body is for service unto others


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