Do not sell - Make customers buy

Donot sell -Make customers buy

5 easy steps to selling

Selling is a skill. 

At higher levels, it is an art.

If you have not developed that skill do not worry. The same can be mastered through proper learning and practice.

Here are Five simple steps for effective and successful selling:

Attractive Opening Phrase

Use simple attractive head turning opening message or phrase, which will get the attention of the customer.

Arouse the interest.

Something which will interest them, or to be precise, which addresses their interest.

Q: Problems they have
Q: Answers they need
Q: Irresistible offers and/or
Q: Anything which can make them turn their head toward you.

Ensure that the shout out is to the right audience. More clarity on the right Target community, better the results.

Ask the right questions

Customers always want to know what is in it for them.
They are also interested to know if it is suitable for them.
Take subtle control of the situation by questioning the customer.

After all, asking the right questions give you control of the situation, and also makes the customer feel that you are traveling in the right direction.

Lead the questions towards the solution.
Go deeper to understand the real problem.

Discuss their pain points

to let the customer know that you have understood them better

It is not necessary that customers have to be completely transparent about their pain points or buying needs. There could also be some under current – a reason which is not obvious during the initial discussions.

Hence it is very pertinent in this scenario to ask probing questions, to reach the root cause of the need. This will help the seller to understand “THE” pain point and the real need helping him to provide “THE” right solution.

Build the Trust

Can I trust this person is the question which every customer asks himself when discussing with a seller.

After all, the sales guys are there with the customers to take a cheque from them.
An expense.

Sale is Transfer of money from the customer's pocket to the seller's pocket. It does not happen thay easily.
The customer should have complete faith with the seller before placing an order to buy something.

The Trust building happens in two ways. Or in other words, with two important components.

One: With very good product knowledge.
Two: Creating a perception in the minds of the customers that you are acting in his interest or in the interest of solving his problem.

Others like brand or reputation could help, but during the sales call the above two take driver's seat.

Avoiding any talk about the seller's company or its products, but focusing only on the pain points and solutions to the same is one of the key factors in trust building during a sale call.

Trust building also happens very easily when an existing customer or some one whom the customer trusts recommends.

Provide the right and efficient solution

Here again providing the solution should have the “customer's interest” tag.

After all, why would a customer buy a product from us simply because it is good, just because it has excellent features, just because it is from a top brand.
They buy a product only to get relief from their pain.

The suggestions should be towards solving or reducing the pain point of the customer at a price which they can afford. 

Sell the idea of the product in the mind of the customer, before selling the product per se.

Make it easy for them to decide  

Yes – donot sell, make them buy

Not all the right solutions offered by a trusted vendor, get converted to orders. Sometimes the final push is very critical to close an order. Else all the effort put in with the customer will go waste.

The budget, cost benefit ratio or even having learnt to live with the pain for long, could be few factors which may postpone the decision of the customer.

When it is observed that customer's approach is casual, or with reduced interest, the urgency factor has to be introduced.

There should be some incentive for the customer to decide fast. This usually comes through an offer which he may not get at a later date.

Examples like year end extended warranty, special discount, bundled special prices, free-bees, whatever, which the order can accommodate. 
At the same time the customer should perceive a value of the offer; and he should  want to decide before the deadline of the offer.

Let us stop selling; Employ these 5 simple looking, but, effective steps.
Let the customers buy from us.

Muralidharan Margabandhu
Founder and Principal Consultant
Marg Consulting
Business Upturn& Debt Management Expert
Partner and CBO
Vac Softtech


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