Fail to Succeed

How many of us want to fail?
I am afraid not one does want to.......

Coming to the next interesting question
How many of us have failed before?
Not one who has not! Is it not?

That is the irony of life. The predictable unpredictability.

Another interesting factor is that those who have seen big successes have also seen big failures and more failures than most others.

Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Alwa Edison, Henry Ford, Chris Gardener, J K Rowling, Michael Jordan, Sylvester Stallone Winston Churchill and Colonel Harland Sanders, Abdul Kalam and Amithab Bachchan are great examples of those who have sprung up from failures.

Infact, those who have big successes have seen big and more failures, but only those who had the grit to continue inspite of so many failures could succeed.

It is said that Thomas Alwa Edison and his team tried and tested with around 17,000 plants in search of a particulat latex extract. Head spins when you hear the number of attempts his team indulged in.

Can we take credit of bouncing back from failures. Ow many attempts have we made?

We learn following from life examples.
  1. Failures are means of learning
  2. More the failures, closer we are to success.....
  3. Persistence “inspite of failure” is more important than learning from failures.
  4. Success can only be delayed, but not denied, for the deserving.

Analysing the reasons of failures with the following questions is very critical:
  1. Why?
  2. What?
  3. How?
  4. Where? and
  5. When?
The success formula lies in the answers to these questions.

There are three types of reactions when people handle failures:
  1. Those who give up at first few failures and never return again
  2. Those who are determined in spite of failures, number of failures not witstanding.
  3. Those who beyond a particular point increase their threshold level for the same and take more failures

How do we react to failures?

How the failures are used as lessons to build steps to success make all the difference.

Remember the story that we have read in school about King Rober Bruce of Scotland who got inspiration from the spider.......and eventually won the battle.

Failing is but natural in the journey of an entrepreneur. It is those who bounce back like a spring when it is pressed down, take the path to success, not those who giveup.

It may be an old and popular quote, repeated numerous times, but still worth mentioning again:
Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm”
– Winston Churchill

Muralidharan Margabandhu
Turnaround & Debt Management Expert
CBO - VAC Softtech
Principal Consultant &
Founder - Marg Consulting


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