Fear kills

Fear kills
more than 
failure ever will

Many a time we don't face the fear because fear is not understood:

Interestingly, sometimes, #anxiety is  also construed as fear.

Understanding of fear and the
difference between fear and anxiety helps to handle both of them better.

Fear is the #emotional response to real or perceived imminent #threat, whereas anxiety is anticipation of future threat,”
-the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,
-Fifth Edition (DSM-5)

Fear is an emotional state of reaction to a possible
threat or

When fear consumes us we have  two options:
"Forget everything and run or
Face everything and Rise".

The #flight or #fight mode.....

The choice is ours.

The choice between
a possible win or
a #permanent loss.

More often than not, we can overcome the fear if it's very well understood.

For that, It is most important to Study

1. if the fear is real or perceived
2. if it is fear or just anxiety
3. What will happen
if you face it
if you  avoid it

The above understanding will give a better idea on how to
1. Face it
2. Take flight, if, that is the only option
3. Take help if you need to

Handling fear:

#Confront, deal with, and act in spite of your fears.

Move towards the Fear and face it head on.

When you move towards it, fear looks smaller and more manageable.

When fear grows smaller,  confidence increases.
when confidence increases, we start working towards a possible solution to the problem which created fear.

Fear is an interesting phenomenon:
When we face it, it grows smaller; when we run away from it, it grows bigger. 

So, the best thing is to Deal With "The Fear" directly by holding it by its horns.....

The easier way to deal fear is: to identify the problem which causes fear and handle the problem itself.

“Take arms against a sea of troubles, and in so doing, end them.”

While I was still writing this post,
I got a whatsApp message which read as below:

"Of all the liars in the world, worst is sometimes our own fears"
How True!!


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