No pain No gain

No pain, No Gain

Any work which is started has to be completed.

If we don't complete the work that we started, then we become very ordinary people.

There are three types of people;

1. The non starters!
Those who want to do something;  but don't do because they realise that it's not easy for them to achieve what they want.
Sees only difficulties even in opportunities.

2.  The dropouts!
There are others who want to achieve something, start working towards their goal; when they face challenges, they stop working towards their goal. Few of them try even in touch situations,  but are overwhelmed by what they have to face, get scared, lose hope and

3. The achievers!!!

There are few others belonging to the third type. They also decide to do something. They also start working towards their goal.
Whenever they face difficulties, they work to find ways and means of overcoming the difficulties that prevent them from reaching their goal.
They get tougher than the difficulties and win them over.
Their only focus is on the goal.  They wait for the right time to strike  and do so by qualifying themselves with improved knowledge and skills through continuous learning. 

The awareness that there is some price that has to be paid for whatever we want is critical.

This is applicable in Businesses more than anywhere else.

Many people who start their business journey don't complete it because rhey don't understand the fundamentals.

The journey called business is not easy, but one with lots of challenges, pains, emotions disappointments, pluses and minuses.

It's a path meant for those who are tough in their determination with willingness to learn and acquire knowledge and resources as may be required to achieve what they want.

The price paid in this journey are
1. Time
2. Effort
3. Money
4. Emotional drain
5. Compromises with family and in social life or
6. Anything that the situation demands

It is simple at the end of the day!

Everyone who starts some thing has to work hard to complete it; it is possible if only the phrase "No pain, no gain" is well understood.

Muralidharan Margabandhu


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